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Web Design

  • Grids, Alignment, and Hierarchy in Web Design

    Grids, Alignment, and Hierarchy in Web Design

    Filed Under: , , , ,
    8 minutes

    Previously, I’ve discussed how web design is modeled after magazine layout. More specifically, how there are basic rules that are adhered to in both, and how that translates to the modern conveyance of information on the web. In this brief article, I want to cover some more advanced and specific aspects of grids in layout…

  • Web Animations and Best Practices

    Web Animations and Best Practices

    Filed Under: , , ,
    9 minutes

    As I’ve explored in previous articles, using animations in web design is pretty standard these days. Subtle movements make for a dynamic and interactive experience. Yes, it can definitely be overdone but, generally, animation improves UX and can bring interfaces and normally static content to life. UX as a field has grown substantially the past…

  • Shapes, Patterns, and Web Design

    Shapes, Patterns, and Web Design

    Filed Under: , , ,
    5 minutes

    After a couple days of essay length posts, today, I want to briefly talk about the basic placement of shapes in design. The simple use of patterns and shapes, and how they, as the most basic ingredient in art and design serve as the foundation of any layout. The reason I want to go over…

  • A Few Words about Webflow

    A Few Words about Webflow

    Filed Under: , ,
    5 minutes

    Over the last few years, Webflow has emerged as quite the challenger to the dominance of established platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. Its popularity is no accident. Webflow’s strengths lie in its blend of design freedom, user-friendliness, and robust functionality. Since I have focused on other no-code website builders and neglected to speak much,…

  • No Code Builders vs Self-hosted WordPress

    No Code Builders vs Self-hosted WordPress

    Filed Under: , , , ,
    10 minutes

    First of all, when it comes to building for the web, I am primarily a WordPress developer, so the premise of this article is a bit biased against no code builders. That said, there’s definitely an allure to building with products like Wix or Squarespace. I’ve used them. What they offer isn’t necessarily bad. I…

  • Layout: Magazine Spreads and Website Design

    Layout: Magazine Spreads and Website Design

    Filed Under: , , ,
    6 minutes

    Layout is the simple act of arranging elements on a page. In magazines, well-designed layouts entice us to read more deeply into an article, while the layout of a website can determine how quickly information is found. Understanding the principles behind layout, whether for print or web, unlocks a powerful tool for visual communication. The…

  • Typography Trends and Shaping Your Designs Through Text

    Typography Trends and Shaping Your Designs Through Text

    Filed Under: , ,
    10 minutes

    Typography—the art of arranging type—plays a pivotal role in design. Of course, this is a web design blog, so, we’ll focus on how much of a pivotal role typography plays on the web. It’s not just about choosing fonts; it’s about creating an immersive user experience. This is the fourth article in the design series…

  • Responsive Design: Beyond Mobile

    Responsive Design: Beyond Mobile

    Filed Under: , , ,
    13 minutes

    The third article in this week’s series on design (Color, UX). It honestly seemed less complicated than I thought it would be when coming up with the concept for this article. As I outlined what I was going to cover, I realized that the steps are more intricate and require more care than I initially…

  • Enhancing User Experience (UX)

    Enhancing User Experience (UX)

    Filed Under: , , ,
    7 minutes

    When designing a site using WordPress, you have a unique opportunity to create exceptional user experiences. As a theme this week, I’m going to continue discussing the ideas behind design, and how it affects perception/feelings of the users of any given interface. I started yesterday with color theory, today we’ll look over UX principles and…

  • Color Psychology in Design

    Color Psychology in Design

    Filed Under: , ,
    8 minutes

    The world of color psychology is a fascinating and foundational part of design in general. As a graphic designer and web designer, or as a student in the field, you should understand that color isn’t just about aesthetics—it profoundly influences user experiences, emotions, and behaviors. I’m sure we’ve all seen a website or ad that…

  • Gutenberg vs. Elementor: WordPress Page Builders

    Gutenberg vs. Elementor: WordPress Page Builders

    Filed Under: , ,
    3 minutes

    I’ve mentioned before that I’ve seen the development and evolution of WordPress from its inception. The introduction of the Gutenberg block editor in 2018 marked a significant shift from the classic editor. Since then, Elementor, a popular page builder plugin, has continued to be a favorite for many designers. But which tool is right for…

  • Introduction To Linux Commands

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    1 minute

    Smashing Mag continually publishes great work. This tutorial/Beginner’s Guide is no exception. Introduction To Linux Commands | Smashing Coding.

  • Some Good Advice About the viewport meta tag

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    1 minute

    Stop using the viewport meta tag until you know how to use it – htmlboy.

  • Fullscreen Video Slideshow

    Filed Under:
    1 minute

    Awesome! I will be trying this out very soon with a few ideas for new designs. Fullscreen Video Slideshow with BigVideo.js | Codrops.

  • Guidelines For Designing With Audio

    Filed Under:
    1 minute

    This was a good read. It contains some basic concepts and techniques to work with while using audio in design. Guidelines For Designing With Audio | Smashing UX Design.

  • Sticky Menus Are Quicker To Navigate

    Filed Under:
    1 minute

    Remember everyone, the navigation of a website is probably its most important piece of its design. Sticky Menus Are Quicker To Navigate | Smashing UX Design.

  • New Google SEO Rules for WordPress Users

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    1 minute

    It’s good to stay up on this type of thing. Google is continually attempting to subvert the cause of the ranking scammers. I also think that with the explosion of the social media scene, things had already been changing with rapid Google algorithm updates. As the social media platform evolves, I imagine we will see…

  • Adobe’s CSS Shaders Now an Official Web Standard

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    1 minute

    Now this is cool. I’ll be using this technique on future projects! Adobe’s CSS Shaders Now an Official Web Standard | Webmonkey | Wired.com.

  • New Site Design

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    1 minute

    I just posted this new layout. Hope you like it! I have said elsewhere that in the past few months I have had this obsession with blue. All shades and variations. I couldn’t help but choose a cool color to immerse myself in. I express this infatuation in, not only this layout but, also one…

  • What is WordPress?

    Filed Under:
    2 minutes

    It seems there is some confusion about what exactly WordPress can do. WordPress is not only blogging software but is also a cms (content management system). It can be customized in almost every way. There is a difference between wordpress.com (the wordpress hosted blog) and wordpress.org (the self hosted wordpress installation option). The latter is…