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  • Grids, Alignment, and Hierarchy in Web Design

    Grids, Alignment, and Hierarchy in Web Design

    Filed Under: , , , ,
    8 minutes

    Previously, I’ve discussed how web design is modeled after magazine layout. More specifically, how there are basic rules that are adhered to in both, and how that translates to the modern conveyance of information on the web. In this brief article, I want to cover some more advanced and specific aspects of grids in layout…

  • Shapes, Patterns, and Web Design

    Shapes, Patterns, and Web Design

    Filed Under: , , ,
    5 minutes

    After a couple days of essay length posts, today, I want to briefly talk about the basic placement of shapes in design. The simple use of patterns and shapes, and how they, as the most basic ingredient in art and design serve as the foundation of any layout. The reason I want to go over…

  • AI vs. Creativity

    AI vs. Creativity

    Filed Under: , , , , , ,
    9 minutes

    Trends for the latter half of 2024 and into 2025 suggest a shift towards simplicity. A certain generic simplicity. It’s not quite minimalism but a type of recitation. Some type of repetition of sometimes bad information and other times poor substitutions for creativity. AI hallucinations. By the sheer magnitude of AI generated copy circulating the…

  • A Landing Page that Converts

    A Landing Page that Converts

    Filed Under: ,
    6 minutes

    Today I want to go over some information I wish I would have known earlier. Designing a good landing page seems like it shouldn’t be that difficult, but it does have some nuance that I didn’t quite grasp when I first started out. As I have learned over the years, everything about sales is psychology.…

  • Visual Hierarchy in UI Design

    Visual Hierarchy in UI Design

    Filed Under: , ,
    5 minutes

    This should have a part of my series on the basics of design, but alas, here it stands a week late. I have a few things to say about visual hierarchy and, as usual, another few words on responsive design. After all, this wouldn’t be a design blog without the obligatory post about visual hierarchy.…

  • Layout: Magazine Spreads and Website Design

    Layout: Magazine Spreads and Website Design

    Filed Under: , , ,
    6 minutes

    Layout is the simple act of arranging elements on a page. In magazines, well-designed layouts entice us to read more deeply into an article, while the layout of a website can determine how quickly information is found. Understanding the principles behind layout, whether for print or web, unlocks a powerful tool for visual communication. The…

  • Typography Trends and Shaping Your Designs Through Text

    Typography Trends and Shaping Your Designs Through Text

    Filed Under: , ,
    10 minutes

    Typography—the art of arranging type—plays a pivotal role in design. Of course, this is a web design blog, so, we’ll focus on how much of a pivotal role typography plays on the web. It’s not just about choosing fonts; it’s about creating an immersive user experience. This is the fourth article in the design series…

  • Responsive Design: Beyond Mobile

    Responsive Design: Beyond Mobile

    Filed Under: , , ,
    13 minutes

    The third article in this week’s series on design (Color, UX). It honestly seemed less complicated than I thought it would be when coming up with the concept for this article. As I outlined what I was going to cover, I realized that the steps are more intricate and require more care than I initially…

  • Enhancing User Experience (UX)

    Enhancing User Experience (UX)

    Filed Under: , , ,
    7 minutes

    When designing a site using WordPress, you have a unique opportunity to create exceptional user experiences. As a theme this week, I’m going to continue discussing the ideas behind design, and how it affects perception/feelings of the users of any given interface. I started yesterday with color theory, today we’ll look over UX principles and…

  • Color Psychology in Design

    Color Psychology in Design

    Filed Under: , ,
    8 minutes

    The world of color psychology is a fascinating and foundational part of design in general. As a graphic designer and web designer, or as a student in the field, you should understand that color isn’t just about aesthetics—it profoundly influences user experiences, emotions, and behaviors. I’m sure we’ve all seen a website or ad that…